
The Negev covers more than half of Israel, over some 13,000 km². The Negev is a rocky desert. It is a melange of brown, rocky, dusty mountains interrupted by wadis (dry riverbeds that bloom briefly after rain) and deep craters.
The high plateau area of Ramat Negev (The Negev Heights), the area we are located , about 400 metres and 520 metres above sea level with extreme temperatures in summer and winter. The area gets 100 mm of rain per year, with inferior and partially salty soils. In the summer you could enjoy dry climate with no humidity, and enjoy the cold night of the Deseret even during July August.
The tracks around Midreshet Ben Gurion, are easy to find and be familiar with. In the tracks you will see a wild nature and Ibexes “Yael”  bouncing in the rocks, and if you look up you can see spectacular eagles or vultures, flying above.
For additional information contact Aviva and Freddy
Tracks in the area:

Easy track: Ein Ovdat
Medium track: Karkash Riverbed
Ramon Crater – Machtesh Ramon
Phone: 054-7245673   |   Email:  | Address: Midreshet Ben-Gurion, Israel